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User Agreement

User Agreement


1. Parties

1. The services subject to this User Agreement ("Agreement") are provided by Tuncay Yılmaz Attorneys at Law, located at the address of Candaroğulları Mahallesi Miralay Haliitbey Caddesi No:61/I Merkez/Kastamonu, on www.buyaskme.com and/or the platform named BuyAskMe ("Platform"). It is offered by the Bureau.

Lawyer           : a real person who is qualified and authorized to practice law under the Attorneyship Law No. 1136,

Services of  the  person  declaring that  the  person  is  competent  to  serve  within the framework of legal regulations, court and professional organization decisions, professional rules, professional ethics, and general morals of the ministries and administrations to which the professional group is affiliated. , the legal consultancy service that the lawyer does not undertake to do any work or transaction on behalf of the user and is excluded from the transactions that require this,

User       : The real person who accesses all kinds of communication channels including the online application, website and interface called "BuyAskMe" made available by BUYASKME or sends requests and messages to receive consultancy and services offered in these communication channels

2. BuyAskMe does not carry out commercial activities and provides services to the user in accordance with the Law on Attorneyship No. 1136.

3.The User, who will benefit from the Platform under this Agreement, knows that this Agreement will come into force with the approval of the electronic environment and is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations in this Agreement.

4. Within the scope of the Agreement, BuyAskMe and the User will be referred to as the "Party" separately and together as the "Parties".

2. Subject of the Agreement

Platform is a platform managed by BuyAskMe, which enables users to come together with people who want to provide legal consultancy services and cooperate with BuyAskMe in this regard.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

1. The User declares that he/she knows that he/she must approve this Agreement by providing the information requested by BuyAskMe in a complete, accurate and up-to-date manner in order to benefit from the Platform. In case of any change in the information provided during the establishment of the User status or at other times to benefit from the services offered on the Platform, the User shall immediately update the said information. BuyAskMe is not responsible for not being able to benefit from the Platform or the services offered on the Platform due to incomplete or untrue information or outdated information.

2. The user is personally responsible for the use and management of all information, including the accounts, user name and password that allow the use of the Platform. Every transaction performed with the User's account, user name and password will be deemed to have been carried out by the User himself, and the User will be solely responsible for the damages incurred by the User and/or third parties due to the use, loss or change of hands by a person other than the User. When the user becomes aware of the unauthorized use of his password or any other breach of security, he shall immediately notify BuyAskM.

3. The User declares that he has the legal capacity to conclude this Agreement. The user cannot transfer the created accounts, user name and password and membership profiles to another user under any conditions and conditions, or allow their use by third parties.

4. The User shall comply with this Agreement and the conditions that may be published on the Platform from time to time and the principles of law, morality, and honesty in all transactions to be performed on the Platform. .

5. All rights to the software, images and designs, texts, logos and graphics on the Platform belong to BuyAskMe. Copying and/or using the information and/or software used in the design, content and database creation of the Platform beyond making use of the Platform, all kinds of pictures, texts, images, files, etc. within the Platform. Copying, distribution, processing and other use of data is strictly prohibited.

6. Users

(i) The operation of software belonging to the Platform, which may threaten the security of the Platform, or the use of other Users' Ptaking any action that may prevent him from benefiting from the latform,

(ii) to place a disproportionate load on the Platform in such a way as to give these results, to access, copy, delete, modify or attempt to access the information published on the Platform and/or entered by others in an unauthorized manner;

(iii) taking actions that will threaten the general security of the Platform and/or harm the Platform, BuyAskMe and other Users;

(iv) Using software that will prevent the Platform and the software used from working, trying to be used or disrupting the operation of all kinds of software, hardware and servers, causing them to be corrupted, reverse engineered, organized attacks, busy or otherwise interfered with, BuyAskMe Attempting to access the servers is strictly prohibited.

7. The User agrees that access to the Platform may be temporarily blocked for the implementation of improvements and other changes to be made on the Platform.

8. The right to unilaterally change, supplement or renew the Platform, change the subject, scope and content, and stop broadcasting, at any time, unilaterally, without giving any reason and without any notice, this Agreement or other terms published on the Platform. reserved. Changes made by BuyAskMe to the Agreement and other conditions will enter into force on the date they are published on the Platform, and the User is deemed to have accepted the current conditions by using the Platform. The user will be personally responsible for the regular follow-up of the said documents.

9. In case of providing free access areas that other Users and/or BuyAskMe can view, such as areas for the User to share their comments or submit their questions and complaints to BuyAskMe while using the Platform, the content they share in this context is sensitive personal data as defined in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. undertakes that it will not include any phrases that contain it and that it will not include phrases that contain criminal elements, contain content contrary to general morality and/or legislation, or violate the rights of third parties in any way.

10. Any legal, administrative and criminal responsibility arising from the use of the Platform and the transactions performed within the scope of the Platform as a User belong to the User. BuyAskMe cannot be held responsible in any way, directly and/or indirectly, for any damages incurred or to be incurred by third parties as a result of the User's activities on the Platform and/or illegal acts of this Agreement. Any kind of request from third parties in this context, and the losses incurred by BuyAskMe due to the User's failure to fulfill his obligations set forth in the Agreement or the relevant legislation, shall be recourse to the User in order to be paid together with his/her associates at the first request.

4. Terms of Third Party Services Offered Through the Platform

1. The parties of the consultancy service offered through the platform are exclusively the User and the Lawyer, and BuyAskMe only provides a platform that enables the meeting and communication of the parties in question. The user states that BuyAskMe has no responsibility for any matter, including the content, delivery time, listing, regulation, quality, accuracy or completeness of the explanations, of the services offered through BuyAskMe on the Platform, and that BuyAskMe does not in any way accepts that he is not responsible for his actions and actions.

2. The User accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she is responsible for any work and transaction he/she performs as a party to the services offered through the Platform. BuyAskMe will be able to provide the channels it deems necessary on the Platform for the communication of User requests and problems, and the information and communication resources and channels offered by BuyAskMe cannot be interpreted as a commitment to solve the problems.

3. BuyAskMe does not give any guarantee to the user regarding the Lawyer's service and the time zones of these services. The time periods and manner of use are primarily dependent on the Attorneyship Law No. 1136 and the preferences and suitability of the Attorney. It accepts and declares that regular service provision is not guaranteed during the User's use of the Platform.

4. The User may pay for the Third Party Services through the Platform. These services will be determined according to the Minimum Attorneyship Fee Schedule published in the Official Gazette. BuyAskMe works with third party payment service providers to provide the payment service. In case of non-payment, your order/purchase may be considered incomplete and the subject of the order will be subject to Third Party Service. may be provided to a different User. BuyAskMe is in no way a party to this purchase process / distance contract.

5. The credit card information provided by the Users within the scope of the services that can be accessed through BuyAskMe and the payment of these fees are not stored in BuyAskMe. The user accepts and declares that BuyAskMe has no responsibility for requests and complaints regarding payment services.

5. Limitation of Liability

1. All rights of all software, images and designs, texts, logos and graphics on the Platform belong to BuyAskMe. BuyAskMe, all kinds of loss of profit, loss of data, loss of business, loss of reputation, from any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to the User's (i) use, non-use or misuse of the Platform or failure to fulfill the commitments and obligations set forth in the Agreement, Any kind of material, moral and financial damages such as loss of expected savings, interruption of work, compensation claims that can be made by a third party; (ii) all hardware, system software/other software and network-related functionality and any resulting failures; (iii) network, internet connection, connection errors; (iv) Any changes, updates and similar works to be carried out on the Platform; (v) It is not responsible for any damages arising from voltage fluctuations, battery and power cuts, virus contamination and similar environmental factors.

2. BuyAskMe, as a result of breach of contract, tort, negligence or other reasons; does not accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, deletion, loss, delay of processing or communication, computer virus, communication error, unauthorized access to accounts, modification or use of accounts. All kinds of damages and claims of BuyAskMe, including court costs and other expenses, that may arise as a result of accessing the Platform or the linked sites, using the Platform and the User's visit and use of the Platform. It is deemed to have been made.

3. The User is solely responsible for any information and content he/she shares on the Platform, and any claims and damages arising from this information shall be communicated to the User or revoked.

4. BuyAskMe cooperates with lawyers within the scope of Article 44 of Law No. 1136, and the User accepts and declares that he does not have any responsibility for the content of BuyAskMe in this context. In this context, the User accepts and declares that he is not responsible for investigating the authenticity, authenticity, security, accuracy of any information shared on the BuyAskMe Platform, and determining whether its sharing is legal or not, and that BuyAskMe is not responsible for any damages that may arise due to such information.

5. BuyAskMe is not responsible for any advice, content, statements made by lawyers through the platform. BuyAskMe is not responsible for the cancellation of appointments or the failure of the user or lawyer to take appointments in any way.

6. The user, the Platform and the access to the content offered through the Platform and the quality of them largely depend on the quality of the service provided by the relevant internet service provider, and BuyAskMe has no responsibility for the problems arising from the quality of the service in question, that the functioning of the Platform is free from defects and that there are technical problems from time to time. or accepts and declares that he/she knows that he/she may encounter access barriers.

6. Suspension and Termination of the Agreement

1. In the event that the User does not comply with the provisions of this Agreement and the rules and conditions declared on the Platform, the User's activities on the Platform pose a risk in terms of legal, technical or information security, or are of a nature that would prejudice the personal and commercial rights of third parties. or for other reasons, BuyAskMe may temporarily or permanently suspend the User's use of the Platform or terminate the Agreement. For this reason, the User cannot make any requests from BuyAskMe.

2. BuyAskMe may, at any time, suspend and/or terminate the Platform and/or this Agreement for a period of time or indefinitely.