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Data Protection Law

Data Protection Law

The purpose of this Clarification Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data (Illuminating Text) is that which is managed by Tuncay Yılmaz Law Firm (BuyAskMe) www.buyaskme.com and personal data obtained during the use of the BuyAskMe mobile application and/or received from third parties It is the fulfillment of the disclosure obligation brought by Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 regarding the processing of the data. Thus, users and visitors are transparently enlightened about the collection methods, purposes of processing, legal reasons and rights of personal data collected by BuyAskMe or entered into BuyAskMe.com by users during the use of BuyAskMe website and mobile applications.

As BuyAskMe.com, we take the highest level of security measures possible in order to ensure that personal data is collected, stored and shared in accordance with the law and to protect its confidentiality. The personal data of users and visitors subject to these measures are processed in the scope and conditions detailed below.

BuyAskMe provides services, information and services through BuyAskMe, in order to get information and communicate specifically to the categories determined by BuyAskMe, regarding the business and subjects that its users want to apply for their knowledge, experience and experience and which are subject to a certain expertise, license or permission in terms of their field of activity. It is an intermediary service provider that brings together experts who want to respond to communication requests and people who request services, information and communication in these fields. BuyAskMe collects and processes the personal data of users and visitors through the mobile application and website, as a data controller, in order to realize the services it provides. The personal data collected varies depending on whether the persons are a party to the service intermediary, and whether they are a service provider or a user. With this illumination text, information and illumination regarding all processing activities are provided.

BuyAskMe can update and change the provisions of Lighting at any time by publishing it on BuyAskMe.com. Updates and changes will be effective from the date of publication on BuyAskMe.com and BuyAskMe.


According to the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data:

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person;

Processing of personal data, obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing personal data completely or partially automatically or non-automatically provided that it is a part of any data recording system. All kinds of operations performed on data such as transferring, taking over, making it available, classifying or preventing its use;

Relevant person means the natural person whose personal data is processed;

Data controller is the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system

Clarification Obligation, during the acquisition of personal data, the data controller or the person authorized by it, to the relevant persons; The obligation to inform about the identity of the data controller, the purpose for which personal data will be processed, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data, and other rights listed in Article 11 of the Law;


BuyAskMe is the data controller who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data regarding personal data about you and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.

Processing of Personal Data

Relevant Person: If you agree, you are considered as Related Person.

You, whose personal data are processed by BuyAskMe in communication processes,

  • If you are viewing our website or mobile application as a visitor,
  • If you are a Product or Service Receiver by us because you have purchased a good or service
  • If you are a Service Provider because you provide services through BuyAskMe.com

You are also accepted as a Relevant Person by the Law.

Your Personal Data Processed:

Your Website Traffic Information, Transaction Security(such as Connection Time, Page Visited, IP Address), Identity (Name, Surname), Contact (E-Mail Address, Fax Number, Telephone Number, Mersis No, Website URL, KEP Address, etc.), Finance (Tax Office, Tax Identity Number, Account Balance, Negative Balance, Accepted Payment Types), Address ( Address, Zip Code), Professional Experience, Service Information (Time of Service, Request Number, Request Date, Request Service Provided,  Service Areas, Bid Rate, Number of Offers, Score, Satisfaction Rate), Transaction Security (User ID, IP Address, Business Number) your personal data is processed.

Processing Purposes and Legal Reasons:

Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation, creation of visitor records and users' records and profiles, realization of the intermediary service by the service provider and service recipient, information security and execution of processes, processing of information within legal and contractual processes and limited to obligatory conditions for establishing a contractual relationship and its storage,

For the purposes of Carrying out the Activities in Compliance with the Legislation, Creation and Tracking of Visitor Records, Execution of Information Security Processes, Storage and Archiving Activities, Due to the "Explicit Prediction of the Laws" specified in KVKK 5/2a, and Arrangement of Broadcasts Made on the Internet No. 5651 and These Publications Based on the Responsibility of the Hosting Provider (Article 4) in the Law on Combating Crimes Committed by

For the purposes of conducting electronic commerce activities and conducting storage and archiving activities,

Some of the information we obtain for detecting technical problems and a stable experience suitable for the platform you access by using mandatory cookies is due to our legitimate interests stipulated in KVKK'5/2f

If you have given your consent to third party cookies from your browser, your information processed through these cookies is processed based on your express consent stipulated in KVKK Art.

If you want to benefit from our services through the BuyAskMe mobile application, your mobile advertising IDs are obtained with your consent through the Android or iOS operating system you use and are processed for the purpose of Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes.

Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data can be transferred to the relevant authorities without seeking your explicit consent in exceptional and mandatory cases defined in KVKK Art.28/1.

Otherwise, in unforeseen circumstances, your personal data may be transferred to public institutions (administrative authorities such as ministries) specified in the law, within the purposes and limitations stipulated in the law, if requested in cases clearly stated in the law.

Apart from our legal obligations, which do not have the obligation to enlighten and do not require your explicit consent;

  • Some information to third party cookie providers regarding your actions, choices and preferences on the website processed through cookies
  • To our suppliers in the country or abroad for the purpose of carrying out our storage activities,
  • If you decide to send the service request, to the service providers related to the subject of the service in order to give you an offer,
  • In case you request service, some of your personal data (such as your name, surname, contact information depending on your preference) is given to the relevant service providers in order to offer you,
  • Your payment information to our business partners who are banks or payment institutions and
  • It is transferred to the relevant service providers within the scope of service communication.

Methods of Obtaining Personal Data

Your personal data is obtained through the BuyAskMe.com website or the BuyAskMe mobile application in digital environments, automatically or partially automatically. These acquisitions take place through methods such as entering the website, filling out forms or collecting some of your information through cookies.

Automatic data processing is a processing activity that takes place spontaneously without human intervention within the scope of algorithms prepared in advance through software or hardware features, performed by devices with processors such as computers and phones. Partially automatic data processing, on the other hand, is personal data processing through devices with human influence but also processors such as computers.

Information Regarding Your Personal Data Collected Through Cookies

Like many websites, on BuyAskMe.com, showing personal content and advertisements to visitors is an important way to drive traffic on BuyAskMe. Cookies are used to perform the analysis and to understand visitor usage habits.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are very small text files, usually consisting of letters and numbers, that are saved on your computer (or other devices such as smartphones or tablets) via browsers by the websites you visit. Cookies do not contain personal data about visitors, such as name, gender or address.

Cookies are created by the servers that manage the website you are visiting. In this way, the server can understand when the visitor visits the same site. Cookies can be likened to identity cards that show website owners that the same visitor has re-visited the site.

For more detailed information on cookieswww.aboutcookies.org and www.allaboutcookies.org.

Which Cookies Are Used?

Cookies can be classified in terms of their owner, lifetime and purpose of use.

According to the owner, site cookies and third-party Cookies are used. Site cookies are managed by BuyAskMe, while third-party cookies are managed by different companies.

Session cookies and persistent cookies are used according to their lifetime. Session cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the website, while persistent cookies remain on visitors' devices for varying periods of time.

According to the purposes of use, strictly necessary cookies, analytical cookies, functionality cookies and targeting/advertising cookies are used on the Site.

Why Are Cookies Used?

Cookies are used in BuyAskMe for the following purposes:

  • Performing the basic functions required for BuyAskMe to work. For example, Required for BuyAskMe members to log in with their membership information.
  • Analyzing BuyAskMe and improving BuyAskMe's performance. For example, determining the number of visitors to BuyAskMe and adjusting performance accordingly or making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  • To increase the functionality of BuyAskMe and to provide ease of use. For example, the user who logs in to BuyAskMe and ticks the "Remember Me" option, remembers the username information, remembers the service search queries or visits the site in the next visit. remembering the usage language.
  • Performing personalization, targeting and advertising activities. For example, displaying advertisements related to visitors' interests through the types of services that visitors view.


Strictly Necessary Cookies

Cookies are essential for BuyAskMe to function properly and provide the intended services. For example, if visitors log in to BuyAskMe using their passwords, such cookies will prevent the user from re-entering their password on each page by determining that the visitor is a site user on each page they visit on BuyAskMe.

Functionality Cookies

Cookies used to remember users' preferences when visiting different BuyAskMe pages. For example, remembering your chosen language preference.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies are cookies that provide analytical results such as the number of visitors to BuyAskMe, the detection of pages viewed on BuyAskMe, BuyAskMe visiting hours, and the scrolling movements of BuyAskMe pages.

Targeting/Advertising Cookies

The types of cookies used to customize the ads served to users on BuyAskMe and to prevent the reappearance of ads that have already been displayed.

How to Manage Cookie Preferences

It is extremely important for BuyAskMe that visitors can freely choose what personal data they own can be collected. However, preference management is not possible for Cookies, which are mandatory for BuyAskMe to work. In addition, we remind you that various functions of BuyAskMe may not work if some Cookies are turned off.

The information on how you can manage your preferences for Cookies used in BuyAskMe is as follows:

Visitors have the opportunity to customize their preferences regarding cookies by changing the browser settings they view on BuyAskMe. If the browser in use offers this possibility, it is possible to change the preferences for Cookies through the browser settings. Thus, although it may differ according to the possibilities offered by the browser, data owners have the opportunity to prevent the use of cookies, to choose to receive a warning before the use of cookies, or to disable or delete only some Cookies. Although preferences on this subject vary according to the browser used, it is possible to reach the general explanation at https://www.aboutcookies.org/ . Preferences for cookies may need to be made separately for each device on which the visitor accesses BuyAskMe.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

Relevant persons must first apply to the data controller in order to exercise their rights regarding their personal data. According to Article 14 of the Law, no direct complaint can be made to the Personal Data Protection Board.

Relating to your personal data in accordance with the law

a) Learning whether personal data is processed,

b) If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

c) Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,

ç) Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, in the country or abroad,

d) Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

e) Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear,

f) request that the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

g) Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems,

ğ) Requesting the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of personal data

You can exercise your rights by contacting the data controller, that is, us.

Application Method to Data Controller

Your application

  • In writing to the address Candaroğulları Mahallesi, Miralay Halitbey Caddesi No:61/I Merkez/Kastamonu;
  • In writing from the Communication panel on our website,
  • You can do this by sending an e-mail to iletisim@buyaskme.com using your e-mail address registered in our system.

In your application;

  • Your name, surname and signature if the application is written,
  • For citizens of the Republic of Turkey, T.R. your identity number, your nationality if you are a foreigner, your passport number or your identity number if any,
  • Your place of residence or workplace address for notification,
  • Your e-mail address, telephone and fax number for notification, if any,
  • It is obligatory to have the subject of your request, and if any, information and documents related to the subject must be attached to the application.

Your application can be concluded within thirty days and (i) you can be accepted and informed about your request, or (ii) it can be rejected by explaining the reason.

For more detailed information on the procedures and principles to be followed when making an application, Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller".